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Safeguarding Our Rights in These Unprecedented Times

During what can feel like a very uneasy and unstable time, we at Texans for Vaccine Choice want to ensure you are empowered with the confidence that comes from knowing you have the tools, knowledge, and support you need to keep your family safe from all threats posed by COVID-19. While of course the worries associated with the physical and economic affects of the virus are what dominate headlines and conversations, the medical freedom community is equally concerned about what social and legal precedents are being set during this time.

Over the past couple of weeks, we have been inundated with messages from many of you all around the country who are worried about being forced to receive a vaccine for COVID-19. We share your concerns about the possibility of a vaccine mandate. Like you, we are navigating this unprecedented situation for the first time and share your alarm at how quickly circumstances can change. Over the past five years, we have fought hard to maintain our rights, so rest assured that current Texas law protects our right to vaccine choice and there are not currently any efforts to change that. We would ask that you please allow these facts to allay the fears of being faced with an immediate mandate threat. Know that we are standing watchfully alongside you ready to act should that situation arise. 

While we may not be facing any immediate actionable threats to vaccine choice at the moment, there are still many ways you can make sure you and your family are prepared for undesirable situations that could arise during this time. Our friend Krista McIntire with Family Rights Advocacy has stated that the threat of unsubstantiated calls to CPS may be increased during this time. With that in mind, make note of the following steps to protect your family:

*Obtain medical ID bracelets. (Ready access to vaccine allergies are imperative in times of emergency)
*Be mindful of what you post online. (Even with the strictest privacy settings, highly personal posts or posts with your children are not advised since these images have been used against parents in court.)
*Have a CPS Action Plan.
1. Yearly visits with an MD / DO (a paper trail of consistent medical care could be helpful)
2. Membership in an organization that provides CPS legal representation (For homeschoolers, TFVC recommends Heritage Defense and THSC.) 
3. Know your rights if CPS knocks:
– Stay calm. Be polite. No not volunteer any info. Do not sign anything.
– If they do not have a warrant, do not let them into your home. Say, “I know you are looking out for the best interest of my children. If you’ll give me your business card, I will call you within 48 hours.”
– After they leave, call your family lawyer, your CPS legal rep, or Krista McIntire with Family Rights Advocacy: 817-715-7022. 

Last, if you have concerns about future implications of the steps being taken in attempt to control the COVID-19 outbreak, please reach out to your state representative and senator and calmly, reasonably, and respectfully let your voice be heard. In this case, an email would likely best serve this purpose. If you have not already, use this as an opportunity to get to know your representatives and to establish a relationship with them. When issues of medical freedom come up in the legislature, it is extremely helpful if our legislators know our names, faces, and are educated on issues that are of concern to us ahead of time. 

As always, TFVC is here for you. Throughout the remainder of April, TFVC Executive Director Jackie Schlegel will be hosting nightly live chats on Marco Polo. Additionally, we have several upcoming live videos with experts addressing relevant topics. Please email our TFVC Prayer Team and let them know how we can pray for you or if you have any specific physical needs that we can meet — [email protected]

We are all in this together and we will all come out on the other side together very soon. In the meantime, let’s all remain vigilant while we look forward to normalcy returning soon.  

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